We will also be celebrating
the 1 year anniversary
of the opening
27th November 2010 - 14th January 2011
you are invited to our opening
Saturday 27th 11am
works by:
the good people of Robertson
Denis Wilson
Steve Fearnley
Judy Benjamin
Liz Boothby
Liz Boothby
Pi Wei Lim
Welcome to the celebration of our first year of operation here at the Robertson Doctor.
This exhibition has two themes, that of the MIST and of MAPS. One obscures and the other signifies a path through the obscurity. A map by no means represents the opposite of obscurity and doesn’t somehow illuminate the landscape, but it does show us a way, a way to get through it - and in this task it is a good companion to have in the mist.
Over the past 6 months I have invited all patients who attend this clinic to draw maps on the left over paper from scripts written here. This exhibition represents all the journeys made to the Robertson Doctor, in our first year. Each journey being like a little thread that links us to the place where it originated.....a line, a path, from you to me . . . A relationship.
The local artists representing the forces of obscurity are: Liz Boothby’s “Sanctuary” at reception. Steve Fearnley with his oils on cupboard door panels as well as quite a few of the sound tracks you will hear now playing in the waiting room gallery. Judy Benjamin using a very old encaustic method of paint application, Denis Wilson’s, “faces in the bush” capturing what the map doesn’t as you take a walk in our local bush.
I invite you all today to linger a little longer on these two themes and what they could mean in the context of Medicine and healing. In medicine we are criss-crossed with a multitude of therapeutic guidelines, clinical pathways, care pathways, best practice guidelines, critical pathways, to name but a few.
Now consider the MISTery that is the human body. Despite all that science can see and explain about the human body, its chemistry, anatomy, physiology, cells, organs, fluids, tissues, bacteria, pathogens . . . . are but pointers to the greater sum of these parts. Perhaps just a map?
No matter how detailed, a map is not the landscape, and it is not the journey, but it can be useful as we venture into unknown territory. What use is a map if you have not the will or courage to put one foot in front of the other and venture forth? What use is a map if you don’t have your wits about you and neglect to avoid a fallen tree across the road or miss a shining rainbow? A good map doesn’t even guarantee your safe arrival! But would we refuse a map if we were given the choice to have one on our journey?
If medical science offers a kind of map, perhaps the healing is the journey, YOUR journey, the act of putting one foot in front of the other, moment to moment, day to day and simply showing up to the MISTery.
I’d like to thank you all for welcoming us to this community and coming to celebrate this day with us and now invite you to all partake in our MISTery birthday cake!
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